Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Choosing a name for Room 4's teddy

We wanted to choose the Teddy's name. We made a graph. The graph had names on it. We picked our favourite name, and the one with the most was the one we chose.

This is our teddy.

We chose Marina Bear as the best name. Can you see why?

Sunday, 16 February 2014


We swim every afternoon with Room 5 and 6. At the moment Kelly Sports are taking our swimming lessons, and we are already learning lots of things. We have shown lots of resiliance because sometimes it is tricky to do the things we are asked to do (like get our heads wet!) but we are giving it a go and having FUN!!

Saturday, 15 February 2014


Our big book this week was Bubbles, so we did some bubble blowing together. We had to practice blowing bubbles - which was actually a bit tricky. We noticed lots of things about the bubbles...that they were rainbow coloured, floated up, up, up, and most importantly that they popped! 
We then did some great writing about the bubbles.

Welcome to Room 4

Welcome to all our wonderful new children and parents of Room 4. We have had a great start to our year, with everyone getting to know each other and how things work in Room 4.
Having a go with some of the Maths Equipment

Getting to know how things work

Writing about our holidays

Playing with the dress ups and working on our social interactions and oral language

Newspapering our names (which are now adding some brightness to the classroom)

Complete attention on the story - well done Miya